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New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

Most of us hope to begin a New Year with resolutions that reap rewards.  So, in honor of 2012, here are some suggestions to consider:

  • Sit/stand properly.  Some people assume a hunched position when standing, walking, or sitting.  Yet, poor posture can lead to painful consequences.  Therefore, try to keep your shoulders back, neck erect, and head high.  When muscles in this area develop imbalances, spinal problems can occur.
  • Hydrate with water.  Certain individuals consume sugary drinks and believe they are adequately fulfilling their fluid requirements.  However, liquids such as these are unhealthy for a number of reasons.  Consequently, substitute a glass of purified water for one of the beverages.  As you grow comfortable with this routine, gradually increase your water intake until all sweetened drinks (e.g., soda) are no longer desirable.  It may take a little while to accomplish this resolution, but once you do, soda will be a distant memory.
  • Commit to exercise. This to-do has been mentioned before, but it deserves repeating.  Cardio workouts such as treadmill walking and gentle aerobics are beneficial because they support the heart and encourage weight control.  Weight lifting builds muscle and helps the body maintain strength.  Stretching increases motion range and works to enhance flexibility.  Yoga and Pilates improve balance, boost mental clarity, and help prevent injuries.  In sum, properly performed exercise is great for the body and mind!  NOTE: Do not begin a workout routine without doctor approval.
  • Schedule regular adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments counteract misalignment’s.  This encourages an enhanced nervous system, improves space in the joint and spinal areas, and results in fewer painful episodes.  Naturally, adjustment frequency is based on an individual’s needs.  Dr. Cao can determine the schedule that is best for you.
  • Take good-quality supplements.  A fair number of people eat only what they like; subsequently, they do not get the required amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.  Because of this, high-quality supplements, particularly ones rich in whole foods, can be quite beneficial. When searching for a product, make certain to read the list of ingredients and choose one that is plentiful in antioxidants.

We’ve all heard it said, “New Year’s resolutions are meant to be broken.”  Okay, sometimes they are broken.   Nonetheless, if we try our best and fail, it makes no sense to stress about the situation.

Why?  We can always try again, and the next time we may meet with greater success.   It is only when we don’t try that we cannot accomplish our goals.

So, with that thought in mind, good luck and Happy New Year