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Spinal Stenosis and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractor Doing Adjustment

Spinal stenosis is an abnormality characterized by a narrowing in the area between the vertebrae, the canals (areas where nerves branch from the spine), or the spinal region; pain is a classic symptom.  The condition tends to be more common in older people.  Nonetheless, even individuals in their 30’s or 40’s can become affected.  A main reason people over 50 are more susceptible to the condition is because the potential for skeletal degeneration increases as we age.  Arthritis, bone spurs, and thickened spinal tissue may all contribute to spinal stenosis.

Even though people in advanced years are more apt to have this problem, as mentioned earlier, younger individuals can also be afflicted.  When this happens, congenital reasons may be to blame.  For example, some younger sufferers could have had an unusually small spinal column at birth or curves in the spine.  Non-congenital reasons for the condition in people under 50 include injury or disease.

Does spinal stenosis always produce symptoms?  No.  Individuals in the earlier stages may not experience anything troublesome and only discover the condition after tests were run for other reasons.  When symptoms do appear, they usually begin as back and/or limb pain, buttock discomfort, and leg or arm numbness.  Some people with narrowing in the lumbar region may have difficulty controlling their bladder and/or bowels.

How is spinal stenosis diagnosed?  Usually by CAT scan, MRI, or X-rays.

How is it treated?  There are several ways to approach this condition.  Conservative therapies are often preferred.

How can chiropractic care help?  Non-invasive chiropractic treatments have shown impressive results with mild to moderate spinal stenosis.  A combination of stretching and manipulation help to decrease pain and improve flexibility.  In more challenging situations, traction devices may also be used.  Increasing the vertebrae space often results in decreased pressure on the surrounding nerves, thus pain reduction.  Once discomfort is minimized, strategic exercises help maintain the positive changes.  Even Western medicine has recognized the benefits of chiropractic care when attacking spinal stenosis.

So, if you are feeling pain, whether it be due to spinal stenosis or a number of other conditions, schedule an appointment with Healing Hands and start healing!